This is a question that comes up a lot, and recently came up on a FUTUR livestream with Gary Vee. As always the answer is: “it depends”. Some people think the answer should be a hard no. Others think it’s...
I have recently been receiving a lot of messages asking for help. And generally i’m a helpful guy, i answer questions, make tutorials etc. But more and more i’m getting the following messages, and they are all the same. First...
People often ask where to start and what to do to become a 3D artist like me. Im not sure i’m the right person to ask, since i just kinda stumbled into this by accident. But there are some very...
Use spline IK to rig your character spines, and much more! SPINE SPLINES! Lets learn about making character spines using the Splike IK tag in Cinema4D. help your character dance and wiggle its hips better than ever! Check out this...
Cinema 4D’s cloth sim system isn’t the most advanced in the world, but I did find a way to simulate a nice top with it. So here is a tutorial about it. I also cover how to modify cloth objects...
Ever wanted to change the icons or the colors in Cinema 4D’s UI? Well this is how you get into it. Download the file below, navigate into your c4d install directory, and then navigate to “resource\modules\c4dplugin\icons” and paste it there....
Ever wanted buttons for stuff like Protection tag, cloth or other stuff, well now you can. If you need any other buttons, just let me know and Maria will whip em up for you. ( also show her some support...
In this tutorial i go over how to more effectively use the FFD tutorial in Cinema 4D. Use a pose morph tag to store states, you can also use the same tag to transfer info between FFD objects If...
Ever Wonder what the difference between FK and IK is, when rigging this is a pretty common term. I go over the differences here and when you should use which one. If you found this interesting, also check out...
In this tutorial i go over how to use tokens and relative paths to making saving renders easier than ever. Why do things by hand, if you can automate it? also great for keeping naming conventions consistent throughout projects and...