I have recently been receiving a lot of messages asking for help. And generally i’m a helpful guy, i answer questions, make tutorials etc.
But more and more i’m getting the following messages, and they are all the same. First the person asks me how i am and then asks me to explain something that could be googled. So i decided i need to write a little tutorial on how to ask people for help.
So first Example of how not to ask for help:

The next one is slightly better, because at least he tells me what he wants and doesn’t waste my time with small talk.

But they are both bad, and i don’t really want to answer them. The thing is there are people who message me randomly out of the blue and i answer and help them, and have been over the course of many years. Some even pay me when they can, have a lot of good long term relation ships springing from just people asking me questions. But these people seem to be just lazy and just want me to do their work for them.
So… How should you ask a question that i would want to answer?
- Google your question.
- Try using what you found to make something
- Ask the question on a forum like core4d.com Or a cinema4d facebook group, or twitter or cinema 4d slack/discord channel.
- Try make something
- Now if you still haven’t figured something out, you can show me what you made with a screen shot( and maybe a link to your file hosted of wetransfer.com) and ask me what you can’t figure out. And i will most likely make a tutorial about it.
- It doesn’t really matter where you are from, or what you do for work or how old are you 🙂 I don’t understand why people keep writing this..
Obviously if you’ve purchased one of my products and have a problem with it feel free to reach out, or if you’ve downloaded one of my free rigs and it’s not working correctly, don’t be shy and message me about it 🙂
Hope this helps,