Traffic lights are a little feature of Cinema 4D that allow you to hide and unhide objects. This Quick Tip will teach you some lesser known methods of using them to speed up your workflow..
In this tutorial Aleksey Voznesenski will guide you through the entire process of creating and animating a two-legged robot using Cinema 4D. You will begin by modeling the robot using a reference image and then move onto rigging, animation, lighting...
Originally published on cgtuts+ In today’s tutorial, rigging artist Aleksey Voznesenski takes us through the basics of Cinema 4D’s Xpresso scripting system. If utilised correctly, Xpresso can be an incredibly powerful system allowing you an amazing level of control over...
These are some modelling tips that where being discussed on the mograph chat. I decided there should be a little summary of them. thanks to Brasco for clarifying some of them. use the ‘.’ ( the full stop button). click...
Cinema4D is awesome because you can have multiple projects open at the same time, and copy paste stuff between them. The first method is just go to the “Windows” dropdown menu at the top of cinema 4D, and at the...
Many of you might have Cinema4D on more than one computer. There is a pretty simple way of syncing up all your layouts, shortcuts and plugins between multiple computers. Here i will explain the process with, but you can...
You can change the point size in cinema4D by pressing Shift+V and going to “view” and changing the point handle size You can also change the point color by pressing ctrl+E and then going to editor colors and changing...
[update]: unfortunately this plugin is no longer developed and unavailable 🙁 Great plugin that everyone should use. get it here: Hope you enjoy! R20: to get this to work with R20 you will need the insydium bridge which...
This was something that i always wondered how to do, but never bothered finding, and now it appeard in slack, so i’m posting it here for memory and easy reference. And my attempt to get a blog going 🙂 Originally...