Vacuum Rigging- Cinema4D tutorial
Got this question about rigging a vacuum from Joey https://instagram.com/joey_g_motion So here is the solution i came up with. The hand still can detach if you pull the vacuum too far, perhaps if people are interested i can make a...
Train Tracks – Cinema4D tutorial
In this tutorial I will show you how to get a carriage to follow a spline realistically In cinema 4D. I will explain what is wrong with default spline and how to fix it.
Building your system for VFX ( mostly with Cinema 4D)
With the inevitable abandonment of the professional market by Apple lots of people are switching to windows. And more often than not either building their own workstations or at least picking the components and getting someone to build one for...
Copy and Flip Keyframes – Cinema4D tutorial
Ever need to copy keyframes from one object to another? What about needing to flip the keyframes for the other foot? and offset them? Well this is the tutorial for you! Check out this spline animation tutorial for more spline...
How to get jobs as a Freelancer ( 3D artist)
For those who don’t know, this is how the process of hiring a freelancer goes. What follows is just my meandering experience and observation, your mileage may vary. Pretend you have a project. Lets say you need someone to design...
Should i work for free?
This is a question that comes up a lot, and recently came up on a FUTUR livestream with Gary Vee. As always the answer is: “it depends”. Some people think the answer should be a hard no. Others think it’s...
Starting out as a freelancer in the 3D/VFX industry
More and more people are going freelance. Why? Well the simple reason is that there are more and more people who want to do the work, but the amount of full time jobs isn’t growing as fast. Also with the...
5 things i wish i knew when i was starting out as a 3D artist
People often ask where to start and what to do to become a 3D artist like me. Im not sure iām the right person to ask, since i just kinda stumbled into this by accident. But there are some very...