yup, yup, a node material system for cinema4D! super great stuff, get the plugin here: //www.cmstuff.com/article/1012/cmnodes+for+r13 width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-8l0i0′]
What is Thea? Thea is a hybrid GPU and CPU renderer with plugins for a bunch of applications. I use cinema4D so that’s the awesomeness im going to cover here. The GPU part (the super fast part) is CUDA based,...
In this tutorial i go over how to use the PSR constraint tag to pick up and place objects. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and i’ll try and help. width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-8zfrr’] ...
I will take you through the process of Modeling, Texturing, Lighting and Rendering a high poly lipstick container in Cinema 4D. Lessons include, box modeling, understanding Hypernurbs, creating and applying materials, setting up quick preview renders to adjust lighting, and...
Here I will walk you through how to model a low poly tree in Cinema 4D and how to achieve that paper look that is becoming quite popular these days. He’ll then move on and show you how to bake Global...
In this tutorial we’ll create a stylized snowman and some Xpresso-based Christmas trees, it’ll be fun! First, we’ll go over the modeling of the snowman using some basic sculpting for the scarf and the hat (pre C4D R14 tools). Next,...
File formats, aspect rations, object buffers etc… Here I will go over how to render out animations from Cinema 4D, and discuss things like aspect ratios, the pros and cons of different file formats, and the benefits of using object buffers,...
Traffic lights are a little feature of Cinema 4D that allow you to hide and unhide objects. This Quick Tip will teach you some lesser known methods of using them to speed up your workflow..
In this tutorial Aleksey Voznesenski will guide you through the entire process of creating and animating a two-legged robot using Cinema 4D. You will begin by modeling the robot using a reference image and then move onto rigging, animation, lighting...
Originally published on cgtuts+ In today’s tutorial, rigging artist Aleksey Voznesenski takes us through the basics of Cinema 4D’s Xpresso scripting system. If utilised correctly, Xpresso can be an incredibly powerful system allowing you an amazing level of control over...