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Symmetry scene mode and symmetry object are both super useful in ever day use. And bring some new useful abilities in Cinema 4D. Learn how to setup topological symmetry and edit meshes without worrying about them actually being symmetrical!
Missed tip: there is this super handy “Keep parametric” option for the Symmetry object in the New Cinema 4D. So now when you hit “C” to make it editable, you get to keep parametric objects inside! Super handy!

— This is part of a mini series i’m doing about finally making the big move to Cinema 4D 2024. I know lots of people are still sticking to s24, because they don’t want to deal with the new interface and things were a bit half baked/beta for a while.
Stay tuned for more episodes!
Also Don’t forget to check out this other slightly older video of various other methods of symmetry in C4D.